Production Animation

October 1, 2015 More
Production Animation

Although there were some designs that were created in the Woodbury summer production class that will be going into the documentary, the animation created in that class was the only element that will not show up in the doc.  In fact, at this writing there has been no animation started yet on any of the scenes we’ve been working.  The closest is the Gerald Hop Scene.  When work on this website has been completed, we will return to production and the first order of business will be to create a revised layout, which will then be used to start animation on that scene.  So, if any of you reading this, are interested in joining our crew, pull down the Crew page menu to “Join our Crew” and sign up, letting us know what your areas of expertise are.  At this writing, we’re about to have our panel discussion at this year’s World Animation Festival in late October, and then our booth at CTNX in late November.  Lining up crew members will be our top priority, so climb aboard, we have lots of fun stuff ahead.


Category: Production