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Production Update November 2016

Our 2016 CTNx booth was a big success. We were in the big B tent, with all the artists and major companies. Gwendolyn Arreola and her team; Olivia Gepiga, Terry Wilson, Priscilla Candelas, and Zabrina McIntyre, created a booth that attracted more visitors this year, with more than a hundred signing up for the production […]
Boing Branding

We were so successful at our little six foot booth out in the tent at last year’s CNTX, that we decided to sign up for a ten foot booth in the Main Hall for CTNX 2016. The picture of Gwendolyn Arreola at last year’s booth will help you imagine our larger booth this year, close […]
Open During Construction

This TBHRTW Website is Now Open to all visitors, although construction continues on final refinements, adding more content, designing additional graphics, and making a few more improvements. We’re always open to suggestions in our Suggestions page. Four of our crew members have been working on building this site since early June, when a donor, who […]
Toon In Here

The Toon in to the World of Animation site, as some of you may recognize by the image of the soon-to-be former Toon in Home page, which you’ll see if you “read more,” has not disappeared completely. The site itself will be coming down in early November, but most of the interview clips themselves will […]
Funding Update, October 2015

Since our successful Kickstarter Campaign in 2012, we’ve been pretty productive, a bit like Magoo appears to be up there in his 1957 short, Magoo Saves the Bank. Not that we’ve been flush with funds, far from it, but, compared to the bone dry period prior to Kickstarter, well, it’s like night and day. For […]
Own a Piece of History

From time to time we will feature one of collectables that we sell, under the heading of Own a Piece of History, because many of our collectables are just that, a physical piece of UPA or general animation history. This article features Inside UPA, a limited addition book of rare photographs of UPA personnel from […]