Production Update August 2016

It’s August, so, welcome once again to our monthly update. We left off in July with the first 40 scenes blocked out, plus, the Gerald Hop, Cartoonz is Cartoonz, Prologue, and Kurtz on the Phone, scenes underway, and the promise of getting started this month on the Pitch reel to bring in funding for our […]
Production Update July 2016

As we embarked on the production of the first 40 scenes, which we blocked out last month, an additional way of working has popped up. Our process so far has been to work with individual story boarders, character designers, background artist, animators, and such, assigning each one a different element of a scene, so we […]
Production Update June 2016

Production Update June 2016 The blocking out of the third edition of our written and video timeline was completed on June 13. It pulls together all our far flung ideas for the Prologue and the first scenes for the body of the documentary in just one written timeline, with a video backup to give us […]
Production Update May 2016

Our Crew has just concluded the written version of the all important Prologue. In a few days we will start tackling the video version, which will include 18 interview clips for the Prologue, as well as ten additional scenes for the body of show, which we’re guessing together will amount to about 26 minutes of […]
Production Update April 2016

For over a decade we have been meticulously selecting clips from some of our interview s to create individual scenes, and working on one scene at a time, with no worries about where each one will fit in the documentary. We’ve created an animated scene to illustrate Jules Engel talking about how Bobe Cannon […]
Production Update, Oct. 2015

In one way or the other, we’ve been in production for a dozen or so years, broken down into various production stages, such as tributes, festivals, interviews, transcripts, scenes, story boards, characters, backgrounds, layouts, and animation. In the Back Issues page you can find more detail about these various stages. However, during the last couple […]
Production Animation

Although there were some designs that were created in the Woodbury summer production class that will be going into the documentary, the animation created in that class was the only element that will not show up in the doc. In fact, at this writing there has been no animation started yet on any of the […]
Production Layouts

Layouts, as most of you know, are sort of like story boards, but where story boards are at the front end of the production line, putting out new and established ideas for the scene it illustrates, in a visual form, sketching out each section of the scene in broad stokes, with rough drawings, layouts, on […]
Production Backgrounds

Although many of our crew members are just starting out in animation, and working on this documentary is a way for them to get a good credit early in their careers, quite a few animation professionals have joined our crew as well, mainly because they’re big fans of UPA and just want to help. Matt […]
Production Story Boards

Sydney Parris was one of the students in the Woodbury Animation summer class that used the UPA documentary feature as a way of learning about animation production first hand. Parris created the very first story board for the documentary, a portion of which can be seen above. This story board had a great influence on […]