
Mr. MagooOver the years support for The Boing Heard Round the World has come in many different flavors: Investors have paid us with the idea that they would make money if we made money, Donors give us money in return for gifts and film credits, Crew members have been working on spec to support our doc, perhaps the best support of all, but, hopefully they will be getting paid soon, but that will not negate the crucial support they offer, and finally, purchasing of Collector’s Items, which we offer in our Boing Shop.  The profit from every item goes directly into the documentary production.


If you want to invest, contact us to negotiate a custom agreement.


If you want to be listed in the end credits on our documentary, go to the Support Us page, which tells you how to become a donor.  You can also view the prestigious Backers List of our current donors.


If you want to see what the crew is doing and perhaps come aboard, check out the Crew page.


If you want to buy one of our UPA or animation related items, visit the Boing Shop.

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