Boing Branding
We were so successful at our little six foot booth out in the tent at last year’s CNTX, that we decided to sign up for a ten foot booth in the Main Hall for CTNX 2016. The picture of Gwendolyn Arreola at last year’s booth will help you imagine our larger booth this year, close to twice the size. We’ll mount our banner on the back curtain, as we did last year, but because we’ll have much more space, we’ll surround it with blow ups of four images from some of our latest segments of the documentary, just in the early stages of conception right now, but by November we expect to be much further along.
We plan to have a good chunk of the documentary to show by then. We will have new segments completed, as well as new characters, backgrounds, color layouts, who knows what we’ll have by then, but, we’ll be sure to keep you in the loop. If you haven’t subscribed for an RSS feed, a sign up form is over on the right, and you’ll get these updates as they’re posted, much more often than it has been, as we move along in production.
Tell your animation friends, we have a dual campaign for this year, signing up 36 more crew members and raising funds to pay our current crew, and those to come, plus a third hot item which is to finish the doc before year’s end, but that depends on building up a full crew with the necessary completion funds.
Having exhibited twice at the Downtown Burbank Art Walk, and then our first CTNX booth last year, we feel these booths are one of the most cost effective ways of getting our documentary out in front of the people who matter in the animation community, particularly here in Burbank, reinforcing the branding of The Boing Heard Round the World. Quite a few signed up for our crew at those events, as well as at our appearance at WAC last year, so we’re off to a good start this year. And, we’ve begun the creation of a full timeline of the entire 90 minute documentary, so we can see how the narrative flow will … well, will flow, and we can use segments of it to create a compelling pitch reel, to interest additional crew, raise production finishing funds, and perhaps interest a distributor or two.
You can see our banner in the second image, along with Gwendolyn Arreola again, our Lead Production Assistant, the Producer/Director, Tee Bosustow, and Zabrina McIntyre, who has begun the first steps of creating our Companion Book, tentatively entitled, The Three Oval Circus, which we hope to be able to publish around the time documentary is released.
If you’d like to join us, as a crew member, you can sign up by pulling down the “Crew” menu to “Join our Crew”, or if you want to become a donor, pull down the “Support” menu to “Support Us”, and see all the nifty gifts for the various support levels.
Hope to have more frequent updates as time marches on. Â
Category: Latest News