Production Tributes

October 26, 2003 More
students in hallway

This 2014 UPA documentary production class, where Mike Kazaleh was a guest speaker, occurred just a few doors away from the “Testing the Waters” UPA Tribute at Woodbury University in 2003, over a decade earlier.  Although that 2003 tribute was a very small event, it proved to Tee and the people he was  working with at the time, that this would be a valuable way to bring UPA to the attention of the current animation community, who quite surprisingly knew little or nothing about that groundbreaking studio, as well as a way of promoting the documentary production, that could be entertaining, as well as introduce the studio that many young animators were unknowingly, albeit indirectly, benefitting from.  What followed were eight  UPA presentations at international animation festivals, five more UPA Tributes, and another seven miscellaneous events promoting UPA and the documentary.  From a tiny seed a mighty oak grew, so to speak.


Category: Production