Save Materials for Future
Around about early 2004, several people besides Tee Bosustow had seen parts of the materials collected by his father. It was agreed that many of these items must be used in the documentary and many more in a book, as close as possible to the book that Steve Bosustow intended to write. However, it was also suggested that these materials should be removed from a cluttered apartment and transferred to an archive that could care for them, restore some of the damaged items, and make them all available to the public, and future generations, particularly the animation community. This began a search that took the better part of a year, and finally an appropriate institution was found, an agreement was developed between the two parties, and the first items have been sent to this archive, who asks to remain anonymous for now. Items will continue to flow to its new “caregiver”, but will remain accessible for the production of the documentary and book, and possibly an exhibition.
So, we are constantly moving forward on the clearing out of our production space, finding many UPA treasures for the documentary and the companion book. Ultimately all the UPA treasures will be going to this archive for safe keeping, as well as being assessable to animation research. Cinzia Bottini, a graduate student from Singapore, doing her dissertation on UPA, says that we have the best UPA collection she’s even seen.
Category: Collection